Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dave: "to be fair, your first poem was basically porn"

WHO ELSE THOUGHT THIS??? It was NOT porn, it's actually about two people just SLEEPING together. So get your mind out of the gutters.

ALSO. You people are NOT allowed to complain about me not blogging enough if YOU GUYS DON'T GIVE ME ANYTHING (in the form of comments). Hop to it!

That is all.


Rachel said...

i did not find it to be porn.
also, i will now comment much more often, and expect continuation of posts.

although to be fair, i probably already comment as much, if not more, than you do. so HMPH.

Jessica said...

Thank you, Rachel.
And more you shall get. Perhaps more snippets!
And don't worry, now that I'm back in the blogosphere, I'm definitely checking all of your updates and commenting more.

Darryl said...

i vote porn

dried said...

must be a guy thing.

... said...

porn-ish. i just found i had nothing to add