Top 5 Songs To Dance To:
5) Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae
4) My Love (ft. TI) - Justin Timberlake
3) Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Stevie Wonder
2) Billie Jean - Michael Jackson
1) Direct Me - Otis Redding
I've spent the day in my pyjama pants and my old-man cardigan, tribal dancing 'round my Christmas tree to Otis Redding, and watching The Tudors on CBC (everyone get on that! It's sexy, it's dramatic, it's Henry VIII; this time, sizzlin'ly hot and makin' love - makin' love! - with every waiting woman while waging war on Italy!).
This is kind of weird, the grey area between the end of classes and actual Christmas vacation (because I've got one more exam), probably made weirder by the fact that I'm home. Right now, I'm staying in, telling myself that I'm going to work hard and study my ass off, but in the end, I'll look back on my day and realize that I've only spent about 1/8th of the time studying, the other 7/8ths on Youtube, dancing, staring, knitting, watching television, et cetera.
Yesterday was definitely the longest day ever, though. It was my self-appointed day-off from school work, so I woke up at 6:30 to meet Darryl and Eui Yong and Peters for breakfast downtown. I got home around 11:00, power-napped, went to the Dollar Store and Loblaws with my mom to pick up random edible decorating items (candy canes, cranberries, etc.), went home, and took another nap. A few hours later (like at 8:00, having had no food that day other than breakfast), I left for Korean Grill with a friend from school while doing a bit of spy work.
While there was nothing particular un-fun about yesterday, I was all too delighted to stay in and laze around today.
...aaaand that's what I've done.
Have a great weekend, e'erbody!
14 years ago
Five songs to dance to?
0. Heaven in Her Arms - Converge
1. They Faced Each Other - The Chariot
2. And Shot Each Other - The Chariot
2. Light Blue Collar - Lutikriss
3. Invert - Blindside
4. Murderotica - Norma Jean
3. Tom Waits - The Fall of Troy
5. The Door - Silverchair
yesyes. And I can almost guarentee none of you will download them.
I can't imagine dancing to Norma Jean.
You cheated. There are two 2's, two 3's, and a 0.
I know you're in like.... the arts or something, but, gosh, learn to count!
yeah, that grey area was the worst part of exams. not that there are any good parts really. and Woohoo I actually knew a couple songs in both of your lists!
and Dave, I already have two of your songs. can you guess which ones???
no jess, you just skipped 0, 2prime and 3prime. duh. YOU need to learn to count.
Feddema, you have the fall of troy and silverchair songs.
Download the blindside one. it's like... alternative punk with loud. it's good.
HAHA! that's where you're wrong Dave. I already have the Blindside song! It's the Silverchair song I don't have. I WIN!
wow, yamn. k get the silverchair one. And "freak" by them too. It's pretty good, but not as dance-to-able.
not to dance to (but awesome none the less):
melatonin - silversun pickups
f.c.p.r.e.m.i.x. - fall of troy
carry you - jimmy eat world
dizzy jimmy eat world
flashing light - kanye west (ft. dwele)
i turn my camera on - spoon
eh hee - dave matthews
I don't think you guys really grasp the rules of this!
5 songs (without any tricky numbers), Danceable. Not hard.
But Andy, I do enjoy most of those songs (the ones I've heard), so I will accept, because I am the crooked referee.
alright, songs. there will be five, and they will be danceable.
this would be easier if i had my old computers playlists... so i'm just gonna have to find them right now.
CAUTION: these songs may require cheesy dancing. it's better that way.
1. faith - george michael
2. ain't no party - orson
3. i want to know - the mavericks
4. barbara ann - beach boys
5. easy - paula deanda
Finally, someone gets it!
And with a shout to mah boy George Michael as well. Well done, Rachel!
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