So I wasn't very smart last night and decided to stay up until 3:30 talking on MSN and reading in bed, knowing very well that I had to get up at 9:00 the next morning (as in, this morning) for church. I took an idea from a class-napper who recently got busted for drifting off during Writing and Reporting and quickly downed a can of Red Bull before service, which did the trick when it came to the sermon this morning, but now I feel rather like an insomniac -- tired and as hell, but, alas, unable to sleep. This could explain the run-on sentences. It's strange, because I never have trouble with keeping my caffeine in check and more often then not, I have more of a problem quitting than encouraging my addiction; but right now, I'm just ... spent.
So no Top 5 list for today, I'm afraid, because I can't get the brain power (or enough energy in my arms to reach over to the mouse and browse through my iTunes list).
However, I do believe a mini-rant is in order.
Okay, so when has it become a job for people to sneer at others who may be carrying their groceries in, heaven forbid!, a plastic bag?? Don't get me wrong, I'm as environmentally inclined as the next person, but let's say I just popped in for a surprise visit to Loblaws, having had no time to stop home and pick up my tote bags. Does that really warrant the death-glare and the "turn-to-friend-and-say-something-snarky-about-plastic-bags"? I kid you not, arms full of groceries, rushing to get home, I get sidestepped by a woman and her friend, who give me the bitchy kind of glance-overs and in passing, I hear her dramatically sigh and say (quite loudly), "You'd think more people would have switched to cloth bags by now....mutter mutter... Global Warming" (the 'mutter mutter' was due to a store alarm going off at a nearby shop). Now here's the thing: I wasn't walking out of the Loblaws with fifty bags for six apples. There was no excessive double-bagging (or any at all). I had three bags for a hefty amount of groceries, and this woman finds it necessary to pour a pail of condescension over my head from her oh-so-high pedestal? Believe me, I usually have my reusable bags with me when I can, and I do understand the importance of spreading awareness about the well-being of our planet, but there must be better ways than the off-the-hand, holier-than-thou 10-second sermon. Otherwise Al Gore wouldn't have spent all that time and money with "An Inconvenient Truth".
So please, all the snappy women of the world who have jumped on the latest enviro-trend, get off your high horses. If you've got something to say, make it tasteful, or everyone will just keep thinking you're a bitch.
That's my rant. I think I'll take another shot at a nap.
14 years ago