Beauty is:
little old ladies in oversized coats
that Harry Potter scene where he's walking across the blizzard-y courtyard (the one that looks like The Quad)
underground societies
the sickening green jealousy that rears its ugly head at any great perfect line of poetry.
a crowded couch and a cheesy movie, every night.
the mess behind me
"The Internet started out as a government military device to release information.... do you think they really anticipated YouTube?"
Sailing Into The Mystic
the competitiveness of Top Friends on Facebook
tangerine shafts of light at 1:32 AM
the potentiality of colour.
the precise measurement and planning of the perfect snow fort.
Mittens and Kittens
not the actual store window of Ogilvy, but the idea behind it.
"Star, star, teach me how to shine" transitions (Swell Season, last Thursday!)
stalking rock stars.
The Irish
"China Propaganda" calendar - 2008!
the numbers, the numbers, the daunting old numbers.
14 years ago
I refuse to be a part of the Top Friends phenomena, it just hurts too many people. And you get colour???
Oh, you know, life is shit. But that's really only my life. Everyone else seems to be doing just fine. So, on average I would say that life is pretty darn fantastic. How is yours going?
Since getting the application, I've noticed that I've been viciously going around and putting my nose into other peoples' lists, all, "Who is this ___ ___ and why are they higher up than me on Top Friends?"
It's getting pretty intense; I'm just waiting for the death threats.
My life is surprisingly happy, and, ho ho ho, you'll eventually read all about it in this brand new spankin' blog!
You (along with everyone in my Links section) have the lovely duty to remind me (or smack me upside the head) if I ever slack off with this blog, okay?
okay! Go team!
I know "the sickening green jealousy that rears its ugly head at any great perfect line of poetry" -- lady, it's inspiring, but I dunno if it's beautiful. It's beauty in its ugly potential states.
I really like it, simple and complex at the same time. Beautifully done.
p.s- Boo Facebook Top Friends! I love all my friends equally. Some are just more equal than others... :D OOOOH Animal Farm...
-Catherine (Your Roommate)
i'm another one to rebel against top friends. they try to make me get it, but i say NO! i think those things are stupid. if i talk to you, you can consider yourself a top friend. thats as good as it gets.
Yeah, but it only counts if you're marked numerically.
I mean, if you're someone who talks to everybody, then nobody REALLY feels special.
Maybe whoever you talk to at that moment is just "Top Friend... For As Long As This Conversation Lasts".
Add palindomes to that list. They're pretty much beauty incarnate.
-- Harris
i just realized that Harris spelled backwards is Sirrah.
Just think about how much fun we would have had with that information in high school.
Ah, Sirrah. Ah, Palindromes.
Harris should get a blog.
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